Sunday, 6 May 2018

When Do I Start Exercising After Pregnancy

Being active or doing any form of exercise is very good for the body as well as mental wellbeing. It can alleviate stress and enhances your ability to function at full capacity for the day. Pregnancy for any woman is different and whether you were active before getting pregnant, exercising after giving birth is recommended. It helps to improve your mental state, is exhilarating for the mother to get out and about, as well as helps to get your body back in shape.

Exercising after Giving Birth

Six weeks is the starting point for women to begin getting back to their general routine of life after giving birth.Your first medical checkup for both mom and baby is at that time, and this is when you ask your doctor if it is time for you to start doing light exercises. If you had a regular delivery, then, chances are you will be given the go-ahead to begin your exercises. Problem deliveries or difficult deliveries like cesarean surgeries will cause you to be more cautious. This is because your body needs more time beyond the six weeks to start doing any strenuous activity.

Types of Exercises to Do after Giving Birth

Walking is the easiest form of exercise that anyone can do. Walking is a normal activity that is done daily by almost everyone. Mothers can walk with their newborns in carriages as well as using a strapon harness and you can walk as long as you feel up to the activity. It is advised you stop whenever you feel your body indicating fatigue, as after giving birth, your breastfeeding and waking up for feeds as well as any other situation must be taken into consideration.

Pelvic floor exercises are also recommended, as this will strengthen the lower abdominal muscles, helps with contractions of the abdominal walls, and will help to bring the pelvis muscles back into form, thus preventing leaks due to mild incontinence. Never start an exercise routine before consulting your doctor if you have complications or issue of back pains, or feeling excessively winded, these are signs of the need for allowing your body to get back to normal, as well as you could have done too much too early. Give your self an additional six weeks to recover some more, then consult your doctor again.

If you were active before getting pregnant, once you get the go-ahead from your doctor, you may consider contacting your physical trainer. He or she will put on the right types of exercise after giving birth. They will monitor your progress and let you know when to take it easier for a while and when to try a more difficult exercise routine. If swimming has been your main way to keep fit, this is a no-no after having your baby. The chlorine will cause infection in the birthing canal as well as other medical issues that will slow your recovery progress.

All of the above suggestions and cautions are geared to help you stay on track with your physical health and becoming active again after giving birth. The onus is on you to make the right choices.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Exercising with Arthritis

Arthritis is not limited to old persons; you can develop this disease at any age. Knowing what to do for pain relief and strengthening of joints and muscles, there are simple exercises that are advised. The objective is to ensure you follow the instructions and do them correctly so you get the maximum benefit. Doing any exercise routine incorrectly can be counterproductive to what your goal is. Remember to consult your doctor whenever planning to engage in any strenuous activity, they should give you the green light to do this. Some persons choose to depend on medication for relief, however, this is generally not treating the underlying reason for your arthritic issues. You are advised to use both treatments of exercise and medication to battle this disease.

Reasons for Exercising with Arthritis

Joint pain and swelling of the muscles surrounding the joints are the main symptoms of arthritis, many persons opt not to do any form of exercise. This is not advised. You find you are taking the risk of losing muscle mass as well as causing further damage to your joints. Gaining weight is also an obvious factor, which will make the movement more difficult. With exercising, you eliminate the possibility of weight gain as well as help in your moving around with more ease. Whatever type of arthritis you have developed, your doctor is able to help with treatment and advise you engage a physiotherapist who will formulate the right exercise program for you.

Benefits of Exercising with Arthritis

No matter what type of arthritis you have, with the right exercise program you are able to get relief. Engaging a physiotherapist or a personal trainer is the safest way to go. They are able to assess your progress while ensuring you are following the correct routine for the various exercises.

There are three formal types of exercises that are recommended for arthritis treatment, and they are:
Strengthening of muscles
Activity endurance
Motion range for endurance

These ranges of exercises will help in enhancing your level of joint movement while improving joint health. They will reduce any excessive pressure you may experience on your joints while maintaining the health of muscles and cartilage to enhance more flexibility. These exercises will also help in maintaining your overall wellbeing and maintain proper weight.

Exercising with arthritis also enhances your cardiovascular, it also increases oxygen levels in the lungs, muscles, and blood, which is needed for the everyday activity. Aerobics is advised, and your trainer or therapist will have you on a routine of 15-20 minutes for warming up before any exercises are done. They will tell you the number of days to do this routine and when to increase based on your progress. It is advised you tell of any new pain or any discomfort you may experience during these sessions.

The important thing to remember is, not everyone will be able to handle all the exercises or aerobics that are scheduled. You know your bodies capabilities, and understanding the need for exercising with arthritis and taking action to ensure longevity and continuing use of your joints will be very beneficial.